Fiber Innovations > High Performance

SA-Dynamics - Sustainable Solid Air Solutions

Room Bira
Wednesday, 09/11/2024, 13:55 - 14:20

Buildings need to become more energy efficient by 2050, which will require the refurbishment of around 200 million households. SA-Dynamics develops innovative sustainable insulation textiles made from 100% cellulose aerogel fibers that are environmentally friendly and recyclable.​

Sascha Schriever (SA-Dynamics)
The EU and other governments are implementing regulatory measures to promote sustainability, including a ban on fossil fuels and non-circular products and the reduction of microplastics. Furthermore, buildings need to become more energy efficient by 2050 to reach the climate goals. Therefore the refurbishment of around 200 million households in the EU with sustainable insulation matetrials is needed. The textile and construction industries, which often use fossil materials, are particularly affected. SA-Dynamics develops innovative sustainable insulation textiles made from 100% cellulose aerogel fibers that are environmentally friendly and recyclable. A key element of the SA-Dynamics innovation is the use of precursors made of cellulose. These are used to produce aerogel fibers in a patented process. This results in excellent thermal insulation (λ ≤ 0.03 W/m∙K), low weight (ρ ≤ 15 kg/m³) and efficient and safe processing without dust formation. SA-Dynamics thus offers the solution to replace existing, animal or predominantly petroleum-based insulation materials with poorer thermal conductivity (state of the art: λ ≈ 0.03 - 0.1 W/m∙K). The first demonstrators have already been produced and their excellent properties proven. Work is currently underway to scale up the processes. SA-Dynamics became aware of the GFC Innovation Days through the EU project "CITE"