Paper & Packaging Industry

Beverage Sector - Resilient Supply Chain & Transformation to a Low/Zero Carbon Industry

Saal C
Mittwoch, 11.09.2024, 13:55 - 14:20 Uhr

The Beverage Sector - especially the Brewing Industry - has to manage challenges of disruptive Supply Chains while transforming into a low/zero carbon industry. Options and impulses to tackle these complex missions and to secure the future of the category will be shared from a senior management perspective.

Stefan Lustig (Lustig Beverage Consulting)
The Beverage Sector suffered from many socio-economic and geopolitical crisises since the beginning of this decade. Focus of senior management has evolved beyond operational & organisational improvement towards building resilient Supply Chains and at the same time support the fight against global warming. The term "Antifragility" is a very precise metaphor for this mission. It will be translated into some views of how to potentially shape initiatives and company strategies to successfully secure sustainable supply and achieve decarbonisation targets.