Fiber Innovations > Others

The energy transition – a burden to industry or a chance for energy innovations?

Saal A
Mittwoch, 11.09.2024, 11:00 - 11:25 Uhr

The presentation will showcase some examples how the industrial energy transition can be enabled and further accelerated by energy innovations.

Rudolf Zauner (VERBUND AG)
The energy transition to clean energy in industry is in full swing. Efficiency measures, onsite energy production and renewable electricity PPAs have successfully been implemented over the last years. With further decarbonisation, the spotlight will be put on energy innovations and sector coupling for further advanced and systemic solutions. Innovative energy solutions of VERBUND and examples from the VERBUND Accelerator Programme for cleantech start-ups will highlight what can be achieved when the worlds of industry, energy utilities and start-ups meet: energy innovations which not only have the potential to save the planet but also to keep the industry competitive.