Fiber Innovations > Nonwovens

Use of controlled vis-breaking additives in nonwoven production and recycling

Saal C
Donnerstag, 12.09.2024, 10:15 - 10:40 Uhr

Irgatec® CR technology opens application opportunities in postindustrial recycling. Potential to increase energy efficiency during meltblown production.

Edoardo Menozzi (BASF Schweiz AG)
Sustainability is a topic on the agenda of most industries nowadays. One key to achieving sustainability in the textile and fiber industry is to make plastics production processes more efficient and enabling materials to be recycled. The production of nonwovens from polypropylene is achieved using rheology grades of well-defined viscosity and polydispersity. This is done either through direct production using adapted catalysts solutions or via vis-breaking using either peroxides or Irgatec® CR (Controlled Rheology) technology as a sustainable alternative. Irgatec® CR products offer a versatile solution for the production and modification of nonwoven PP fabrics. They are safer to handle compared to peroxide containing alternatives, exhibit excellent storage stability, and allow a broad variety of feedstock to be converted according to the expressed demands. Irgatec® CR 76 IC or Irgatec® CR 25 can be the products of choice when aiming for a recycling of in-house nonwoven scraps arising from cut-offs or deficient production. The presentation shall highlight the technology with achieved performance data and also focus on the energy to be applied during the conversion process.